Recommended Settings

Overwatch 2 - Recommended Settings.png
Overwatch 2 lets you configure a wide variety of options in the game to suit your playstyle preference. Read on to learn what the best graphics and display settings are for optimizing gameplay, including other settings that can help you further.

Recommended Settings and How to get Souvenirs
Overwatch 2 - Recommended SettingsRecommended Settings Overwatch 2 - Souvenirs.pngHow to Get and Use Souvenirs

Recommended Overwatch 2 Settings

While you want your game to look as good as possible, compromises must be made to keep it running the best it can. Here are the recommended settings to keep the game stable and running the best it can.

Recommended Graphics Settings

Option Recommended Settings
Texture quality Low or medium
Texture filtering quality 1x
Local fog detail Low
Dynamic reflections Off
Shadow detail Off
Model detail Low
Effects detail Off
Lighting quality Low
Antialias quality Low – FXAA
Refraction quality Low
Screenshot quality 1x resolution
Ambient occlusion Off
Local reflections Off
Damage FX Default or Low

Recommended Display Settings

Option Recommended Setting
NVIDIA Reflex Enabled + Boost (if available)
Field of View 103
Reduce Buffering On
VSync Off
Limit FPS Display-based
Triple Buffering Off

Additional Recommended Settings

Performance Stats

Enabling Performance Stat would allow the player to monitor the PC's performance. From Framerate, VRAM Usage, GPU Temperature, to Network Latency. This will allow players to adjust what to prioritize during gameplay.

You can enable them by going to Option > Video > Details > Display Performance Stats: On. There you have the option what to choose to show.

High Precision Mouse Input

This is a new feature introduced in Version 1.42. This enables players to aim more precisely by firing in the time between frames or between frames that occur between ticks when rendering.

You can turn in on by going to Options > Gameplay > General > Miscellaneous > Enable High Precision Mouse Input: On

Waypoint Opacity

By reducing the waypoint opacity, players will enjoy a less obstructed screen in-game.

You can reduce the opacity by going to Options > Gameplay > HUD > Set Waypoint Opacity to 20%

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