List of All Events

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There are many regular seasonal events throughout the year in Overwatch 2. Check this page for all the events in Overwatch 2, including upcoming events, live events, all previous events, and more!

Upcoming Events

Halloween Terror Event

Halloween Terror Event Overwatch 2.png
The Halloween Terror Event is an annual seasonal event held during the Halloween period in Overwatch 2. The 2022 Halloween Terror Event is scheduled to begin on October 25 and conclude on November 8, 2022.

Junkenstein's Revenge: Wrath of the Bride

Junkensteins Revenge Wrath of the Bride
This year a new game mode, Junkenstein's Revenge: Wrath of the Bride will be introduced. This game mode is hinted to feature Sombra as the antagonist and Sojourn, Kiriko, Junker Queen and Ashe as playable heroes. Alternatively it could be a progression of the regular Junkenstein's Revenge in which 4 heroes out of a limited roster take on the evil Dr. Junkenstein (Junk Rat) and his creations. Check back here regularly for updated details as they are finalized!
Halloween Terror Event Details

Previous Events

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Overwatch 2 - Summer Games EventSummer Games Overwatch 2 - Winter Wonderland EventWinter Wonderland

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