How to Unlock Sojourn: Skins and Abilities

Sojourn Overwatch 2 Banner

Sojourn is a Damage hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Sojourn, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Sojourn Latest Buffs and Nerfs

September 21, 2022 Dev Blog #5 Patch Notes

Sojourn Patch Notes (September 21, 2022)
RailgunRailgun • Energy gains when shooting non-player targets reduced a further 50%.


May 12 2022 • Primary rate of fire increased from 13 to 15 shots-per-second.
• Railgun maximum ammo increased from 40 to 45.
April 26 2022 ・Projectile width has been increased from 0.05m to 0.1m.

Railgun Alt Fire

May 5 2022 • Projectile size: 0.05m > 0.1m,

Power Slide

May 5 2022 • Reduced cooldown by 1 second.

Sojourn Hero Profile

Basic Information

Sojourn (Vivian Chase)
Overwatch 2 -Sojourn Role
S Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 200
・ 200 (Base Health)
Voice Actor Cherise Boothe
Nationality Canadian
Affiliations Canadian Special Forces (formerly), Overwatch (formerly)

How to Unlock

Log in at any point in Season 1.

Sojourn Weapons and Abilities

Sojourn Main Weapon

RailgunRailgun Primary Fire
Damage: 9
Description: Rapid firing projectiles that generate energy on hit.
Secondary Fire
Damage: 30 (minimum charge), 130 (max charge)
Description: High impact shot that consumes stored energy.

Sojourn Abilities

Power SlidePower Slide Type: Ability
Cooldown: 6 secs
Effect: Ground slide that can cancel into a high jump.
Disruptor ShotDisruptor Shot Type: Ability
Cooldown: 15 secs
Duration: 4 secs
Damage: 210
Effect: Launch an energy burst that snares and deals damage to enemies within it.
OverclockOverclock Type: Ultimate
Duration: 9 secs
Effect: Railgun energy auto-charges for a short duration and shots pierce enemies.
Role: DamageRole: Damage Type: Passive
Effect: Eliminations grant a burst of increased movement speed and reload speed.

How to Play and Tips

Lead Your Shots with Primary Fire

Railgun's primary fire shoots out projectiles instead of hitscan bullets, meaning they have travel time and do not instantly hit their targets. Practice adjusting and leading your shots over different distances to hit foes with Railgun accurately.

Aim for Headshots with Railgun

Railgun's primary fire generates twice as much energy per bullet when it lands critical hits, making it extremely efficient to land headshots with the weapon.

The same goes for its secondary fire, as a fully-charged Railgun instantly eliminates most non-Tank Heroes with a single headshot.

Reach High Ground with Power Slide

You can press the jump button while using Power Slide to launch Sojourn high into the air. This high jump gives Sojourn easy access to high ground, vantage points, and potential flanking routes.

Line Up Headshots with Disruptor Shot

Disruptor Shot snares and slows enemies down inside its area of effect, making them easier targets for you and your team. Take advantage of immobilized foes by lining up and landing headshots with your Railgun.

Use Disruptor Shot in Choke Points

Aside from slowing key enemy targets down, Disruptor Shot is also effective at damaging and disrupting clumps of enemies around choke points and objectives. Use Disruptor Shot to whittle down and fend off your foes as they attempt to advance through corners and narrow paths.

Prioritize Secondary Fire in Overclock

Sojourn's Overclock rapidly charges up her Railgun's energy for its duration and allows her secondary fire to pierce through foes. Maximize Overclock's damage output by prioritizing headshots and hitting multiple targets at once with Railgun's secondary fire while the ultimate is active.

Sojourn Skins

Hero Skins
Troop Commander
Captain Chase
Cyber Detective

Sojourn Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Season 1 Battle Pass
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
It's All Connected "It's all connected."
Season 1 Battle Pass
Upgrades "With these upgrades, they don't stand a chance."
Season 1 Battle Pass
About to Get Real “It's about to get real.”
Base Game
A World To Save “We've got a world to save.”
Base Game
Call Me Vivian “You can call me Vivian”
Base Game
Croissant? “Croissant?”
Base Game
Decaf “Ugh, don't give me that decaf.”
Base Game
Do What You Think Is Right “Do what you think is right.”
Base Game
Got Anything For Me? “Got anything for me?”
Base Game
I'm A Safe Bet “I'm a safe bet.”
Base Game
Murphy! Down! “Murphy! Down!”
Base Game
The More Things Change “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”
Base Game
What's This About? “What's this about?”
Base Game
Rain Won't Stop "Keep crying. Rain won't stop.”


Hero Emotes
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Standing By
Base Game
Weapons Check
Base Game

Sojourn Story

From the Canadian Special Forces to Overwatch

Sojourn Canadian Special Forces Overwatch 2
A part of the Canadian Special Forces, Sojourn joined Overwatch and partnered with them during the Omnic Crisis. She led the team and kept them safe, making it her mission to bring every last one of them home. She stayed with the team until it was disbanded.

Cybernetically Enhanced

Sojourn Power Slide Cybernetic Enhancements Overwatch 2
From the time she was a small child, Sojourn had many cybernetic enhancements made to her body out of necessity. She continued to make more cybernetic enhancements into adulthood by choice, as a means to become the most effective fighter possible.

Precision and Attention to Detail

Sojourn Story Overwatch 2
Sojourn has a very detail-oriented personality. While serving in the Canadian Special Forces she was very thorough in leading the team to victory and ensuring every single member came back safely.

This is also part of the reason behind her many cybernetic upgrades- attaining battle perfection beyond human means. Her attention to detail and thoroughness is also evident in her playstyle, which rewards high accuracy.

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