Upheaval Skill Effects and How to Use

Upheaval is a Core Barbarian Skill in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to learn more about Upheaval, including its effects, skill upgrades, and its stats at each rank.

Upheaval Effects

Skill Details
Skill Type: Active
Skill Tree: Core
Damage Type: Physical Damage
Cost: 40 Fury
Lucky Hit Chance: 30% (per hit)
Skill Effect
Tear into the ground with your weapon and fling debris forward, dealing XX% damage.
Requires Two-Handed Weapon

XX Value Per Rank

1 2 3 4 5
88.0 96.8 105.6 114.4 123.2
6 7 8 9 10
132.0 140.8 149.6 158.4 167.2

Upheaval Skill Upgrades

Skill Upgrade Effect
Enhanced UpheavalEnhanced Upheaval Upheaval has a 45% chance to Stun all enemies it damages for 3 seconds.
Upgrades into one of the following Skills:
Furious Upheaval
Violent Upheaval
Violent UpheavalViolent Upheaval If Upheaval damages at least 2 enemies, you gain Berserking for 3 seconds, increased to 5 seconds if it damages at least 4 enemies.
Furious UpheavalFurious Upheaval Dealing direct damage to an enemy with a Skill that is not Upheaval causes your next cast of Upheaval to deal 20% increased damage. stacking up to 10 times.

Builds With Upheaval

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