List of Boots Affixes

This is a guide that lists all the affixes that Boots armor pieces can roll in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to see a full list of possible affix rolls for Boots.

How to Use the Affix List

Inherent vs Regular Affix Rolls

Diablo 4 - Inherent and Regular affixes

Inherent Affixes are a special type of affix that can only appear in certain pieces of gear. They will always show up near the top of the item tooltip, just underneath the damage or armor counter of the item.

In Diablo 4, Inherent Affixes are treated as separate affix rolls. An item like Rare-tier Pants will have both 1 Inherent Affix and 3 Regular Affixes.

All Diablo 4 Boots Affixes

All Boots Affixes

Weapon Class
+ X Max Evade Charge (Inherent) All
+ Evade Briefly Grants X% Movement Speed (Inherent) All
+ Attacks reduce evade cooldown by .X seconds (Inherent) All
+ X Ranks of Meteor Sorcerer
+ X Ranks to Golem Mastery Necromancer
+ X Ranks of All Corpse Skills Necromancer
+ X Ranks of Boulder Druid
+ X Ranks of Hurricane Druid
+ X Ranks of Rabies Druid
+ X Ranks of Trample Druid
+ X Ranks of All Wrath Skills Druid
+ X Maximum Life All
+ X Main Stat All
+ X Cold Resistance All
+ X Fire Resistance All
+ X Lightning Resistance All
+ X Poison Resistance All
+ X Shadow Resistance All
+ X Life Per Second All
+ X Resitance to All Elements All
+ X% Resource Per Second All
+ X Ranks to Skeletal Mage Mastery Necromancer
+ X Ranks to Skeletal Warrior Mastery Necromancer
+ X Ranks of Corpse Tendrils Necromancer
+ X% Element Resistance All
+ X Ranks of Shadow Step Rogue
+ X% Movement Speed All
+ X Armor All
+ X Willpower All
+ X% Dodge Chance All
+ X Strength All
+ X Dexterity All
+ X Intelligence All
+ X Ranks of Bone Spirit Necromancer
+ X Ranks of Firewall Sorcerer
+ X Ranks of Dash Rogue
+ X Ranks of Caltrops Rogue
+ X Ranks of All Brawling Skills All
+ X Ranks of Charge Barbarian
+ X Ranks of Kick Barbarian
+ X Ranks of Leap Barbarian
+ X Ranks of War Cry Barbarian
+ X Ranks of Blizzard Sorcerer
+ X Ranks of Ball Lightning Sorcerer

These are all the possible Affixes that you can obtain from Boots that you obtain as regular drops or via enchanting from the Occultist. There's also a chance of obtaining a Greater Affix for these affixes which will always be at the highest possible value of that Affix multipled by 150%.

All Legacy Boots Affixes

Weapon Class
+ X% Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons All
+ X% Spirit Cost Reduction All
+ X% Total Armor while in Werewolf Form All
+ X% Berserking Duration All
+ X Ranks of Frost Nova Sorcerer
+ X Ranks of Ice Armor Sorcerer
+ X Ranks of Flame Shield Sorcerer
+ X Ranks of Teleport Sorcerer
+ X Ranks of Ground Stomp Barbarian
+ X% Damage to Stunned Enemies All
+ X% Shrine Buff Duration All
+ X% Crowd Control Duration All
+ X% Movement Speed for X Seconds After Killing an Elite All
+ X% Dodge Chance against Distant Enemies All
+ X% Damage Reduction While Injured All
+ X% Blood Orb Healing All
+ X% Fortify Generation All
+ X% Resource Cost Reduction All
+ X% Slow Duration Reduction All
+ X All Stats All

These are all the affixes that used to be regular affixes from the gear you obtain in the map. This has been since, overhauled from Season 4's Loot Reborn update and is now only accessible as Legacy content.

Boots Tempering Affixes

Affixes Type Manual
・537 - 840 Thorns
・13.0 - 17.5% Crowd Control Duration
・8.0 - 12.5% Barrier Generation
Utility Natural Schemes
・Steel Grasp Stuns for +1.0 Seconds
・16.0 - 25.0% Stun Duration
・1 - 2 to Concussion
Utility Barbarian Control
・Lucky Hit: Up to a +13.0 - 17.5% Chance to Daze for 2 Seconds
・15.5 - 20.0% Smoke Grenade Cooldown Reduction
・28.5 - 37.5% Smoke Grenade Duration
Utility Daze Control
・9.0 - 11.0% Thorns while Fortified
・Minions Inherit +8.0 - 12.5% of Your Thorns
・Skeletal Warriors Inherit +10.5 - 15.0% of Your Thorns
・Skeletal Mages Inherit +13.0 - 17.5% of Your Thorns
・Golems Inherit +13.5 - 22.5% of Your Thorns
Utility Thorn Army
・9.0 - 11.0% Thorns while Fortified
・1 - 2 to Outburst
・1 - 2 to Tough as Nails
Utility Thorn Body
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 21.0 - 30.0% Chance to Slow for 2 Seconds
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 13.0 - 22.5% Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 13.0 - 17.5% Chance to Stun for 2 Seconds
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 13.0 - 17.5% Chance to Freeze for 2 Seconds
Utility Worldly Fortune
・8.0 - 12.5% Movement Speed
・13.5 - 22.5% Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
・6.5 - 8.0% Movement Coldown Reduction
・13.0 - 17.5% Evade Cooldown Reduction
Mobility Natural Motion
・8.0 - 12.5% Movement Speed
・13.5 - 22.5% Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
・13.0 - 17.5% Lunging Strike Range
・8.0 - 10.0% Charge Cooldown Reduction
・8.0 - 10.0% Leap Cooldown Reduction
Mobility Barbarian Motion
Barbarian only
・8.0 - 12.5% Movement Speed
・8.0 - 10.0% Trample Cooldown Reduction
・1 - 2 to Digitigrade Gait
Mobility Druid Motion
Druid only
・13.0 - 17.5% Wolves Attack Speed
・18.5 - 27.5% Ravens Attack Speed
・13.5 - 22.5% Poison Creeper Duration
・31.5 - 45.0% Ravens Size
Utility Companion Innovation
Druid only
・8.0 - 12.5% Movement Speed
・29.0 - 42.5% Movement Speed during Blood Mist
・1 - 2 to Death's Approach
Mobility Necromancer Motion
Necromancer only
・13.5 - 22.5% Corpse Explosion Size
・26.5 - 40.0% Corpse Tendrils Size
・31.5 - 45.0% Iron Maiden Size
・31.5 - 45.0% Decrepify Size
・29.0 - 42.5% Curse Duration
Utility Profane Innovation
Necromancer only
・1 - 2 to Trick Attacks
・1 - 2 to Chilling Weight
・1 - 2 to Shadow Crash
Utility Alchemist Control
Rogue only
・8.0 - 12.5% Movement Speed
・57.5 - 80.0% Movement Speed from Blade Shift
・2.5 - 4.0% Movement Speed per Dark Shroud Shadow
・46.5 - 60.0% Shadow Step Duration
・1 - 2 to Stutter Step
Mobility Rogue Motion
Rogue only
・8.0 - 12.5% Movement Speed
・13.5 - 22.5% Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
・8.0 - 10.0% Teleport Cooldown Reduction
Mobility Sorcerer Motion
Sorcerer only
・13.5 - 22.5% Immobilize Duration
・16.0 - 25.0% Stun Duration
・16.0 - 25.0% Freeze Duration
・26.5 - 40.0% Frost Nova Size
Utility Sorcerer Control
Sorcerer only

These are the possible Affixes that you can add to your gear via Tempering from the Blacksmith. Each gear has a limited number of Tempering count and using a specific manual will allow you to get one of the possible Affixes from the said manual.

Diablo 4 Related Guides

Diablo 4 - Affixes

List of All Affixes

All Item Affixes by Type

Affixes by Armor Type
Boots Pants Helm
Chest Gloves
Affixes by Weapon Type
Dagger Staff Wand
Crossbow Bow Focus
Totem Shield 1h Mace
1h Sword 1h Scythe 1h Axe
2h Polearm 2h Sword 2h Axe
2h Mace 2h Scythe -
Affixes by Accessory Type
Ring Amulet