List of All NPCs

Diablo 4 - List of NPCs

This is a guide that lists all of the NPCs in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to see a list of all NPCs, where to find them and the services they offer in the game.

List of All NPC Vendors

Vendor Services
Alchemist IconAlchemist Upgrades health potions and sells buff-granting elixirs.
Occultist IconOccultist Can imbue a Codex of Power or an Aspect into items to give override the legendary powers of an item and grant them new powers.
Jeweler IconJeweler Sells jewelry like rings and amulets, and can also upgrade Gems.
Blacksmith IconBlacksmith Repairs and upgrades your gear, sells weapons and armor, and is able to salvage items you don't need.
Purveyor of Curiosities IconPurveyor Of Curiosities You can spend Obols to gamble for items or purchase Whispering Keys from this NPC.

List of All PVP NPC Vendors

Vendor Services
Cursed Scroll VendorCursed Scroll Sells Scrolls that are only available for use in the Fields of Hatred.
Odd and EndsOdds and Ends Sells all armor pieces that make up the PVP-exclusive transmog, the Killer's Set.
Unconventional Mount ArmorUnconventional Mount Armor Sells Mount-related accessories like trophies, horse armor, and the Bloody Steed mount.
Unsavory OdditiesUnsavory Oddities Lets players spend Red Dust in exchange for a piece of armor with random stats and rarity.

Accessible in the Fields of Hatred

Dry Steppes Kehjistan



All PVP NPC vendors can only be accessed in the Fields of Hatred which are unlocked by simply heading to either Field of Hatred in the Dry Steppes or Kehjistan regions. Do note that these vendors deal in Red Dust - a special type of currency tied to Diablo 4's PvP game system.

How to Unlock the Fields of Hatred

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Diablo 4 TransmogsTransmog Diablo 4 - Shop BundlesShop Bundles
Diablo 4 - Mounts Partial Banner.pngMounts Diablo 4 - ItemsItems
Diablo 4 - Dungeons Partial BannerDungeons Diablo 4 - Strongholds Partial BannerStrongholds
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Diablo 4 - News and EventsNews and Events Diablo 4 - Bugs and Errors.pngBugs and Errors
Diablo 4 - Tempering, 440x110Tempering Manuals Diablo 4 - Runewords PartialRunewords

Game Mechanics and Activities

Game Mechanic and Activity Guides
The Pit BannerThe Pit Guide Masterworks System Explained BannerMasterworking Guide
