Still Working: 28th October, 2024 - NO UPDATE NEEDED.
Patch notes can be viewed here: Patch Notes
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This mod reduces the thirst decay of Vampires by half (x2). Meaning your thirst will decay/decrease down in half the normal default speed.
I don't know about you, but that thirst seemed to decay rather quickly for me in game and if you don't "feed", plasma packs just weren't cutting it. I made an adjustment to my game so that it decays twice as slow.
Please give the mod a thumbs up (endorse) if you enjoy it. Thank you!
Open the .zip file. Place the mod .package file into your Mods folder. For most users it will be in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods.
Note 1: .package files can be up to five folders deep inside your Mods folder. While .ts4script files can only be up to one folder deep inside your Mods folder.
Note 2: When adding/updating/deleting mods, always delete your localthumbcache.package file located in your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 folder.
CONFLICTS:This mod tunes the following and will conflict with any mod that tunes the same file(s):
Statistic Tuning: commodity_Motive_Visible_Vampire_Thirst
WHAT WAS CHANGE: <T n="decay_rate">0.1042</T>
<T n="decay_rate">0.0521</T>
Please read my sticky in the Posts section if you would like to edit the decay rate to your own personal choice.*