Richer Merchants

Mod Introduction

Increases the amount of credits, ammunition, and resources held by merchants. (2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, 25x, 50x, 10,000x)
Link to the mod

Installation Guide


Increases the amount of credits, ammunition, and resources held by merchants. (2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, 25x, 50x, 10,000x)

ESM built with xEdit.


You'll have to wait 2 days (7 days for ship vendors) for the merchants to restock their inventory to see the changes.
Some vendors are not affected, or are only partially affected, because this mod does not modify the vendors themselves, and some vendors do not use the global leveled lists that Bethesda created specifically for them.


[quote]Default game location

Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield
Game Pass: C:\XboxGames\Starfield\Content[/quote]
Mod Organizer 2.5.0 or higher (Recommended)
Enable Archive Invalidation.
Download and install Plugins.txt Enabler.
Install the mod via your mod manager.
Select the ESMs you want to use from the Plugins tab in the right panel.
Enable Archive Invalidation.
Download and install Plugins.txt Enabler.
Install the mod via your mod manager.
Open Vortex and navigate to Load Order in the left panel.
Click Enable Plugin Management (if shown).
Select the ESMs you want to use.
Enable Archive Invalidation.
Download and install Plugins.txt Enabler.
Navigate to your game's root folder (the folder containing Starfield.exe).
Extract the ESM files into your game's root "Data" folder.
Navigate to your %LocalAppData%\Starfield folder.
Open Plugins.txt with Notepad (if it doesn't exist, create one).
Add a # (number sign) to the top of Plugins.txt (do not add another # if it already exists).
Under #, copy and paste the name and extension of the plugin you want to use with a * (asterisk) in front of it into your Plugins.txt, as shown below.

*Richer Merchants.esm[/quote][/spoiler]
To make it easier to test the mod, type SetGS iDaysToRespawnVendor 0 (default is 2) in the console and you shouldn't have to wait 2 days in-game, and then type SetGS iDaysToRespawnVendor 2 again into the console when you're done testing.

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