List of Palworld Bugs and Error Codes and How to Fix

Palworld - All Bugs and Error Codes

Palworld has a number of Bugs and Error Codes that users can get when playing the game. Check out our guide for a list of all Bugs and Error Codes in the game and learn how to fix each of them on PC and Xbox.

How to Fix All Bugs and Errors Codes

All Bugs and Error Codes
Not Found Session 91 Failed to Host Multiplayer Session
OnCreateSession Complete Delegate bWasSuccessful == false Black Screen on Launch
UE Pal - Exception Access Violation Crash BP Class Human Error Pop Up
Memory Drug Reset Bug Guild Save File Deletion Bug
Controller Not Working Quit Button Missing In-Game
Key Guide Display Not Working Properly -

Stay tuned as we update this list with more bugs and fixes for Palworld!

Not Found Session 91

Not Found Session 91 is an error code that displays when players try to join a non-existent server or a server that has multiplayer turned off. This is fixed by joining a different server or contacting the host to make sure Multiplayer is on for the affected World.

Not Found Session 91 Bug Fix

Failed to Host Multiplayer Session

Palworld - Failed to Host Multiplayer Session Error

Failed to Host Multiplayer Session is an error code that displays for Xbox users trying to rejoin created Worlds. This is an error caused by overwhelmed log-in servers. It can be fixed by turning the Multiplayer setting Off for the affected World.

Failed to Host Multiplayer Session Bug Fix

OnCreateSession Complete Delegate bWasSuccessful == false

Palworld - OnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate bWasSuccessful

OnCreatSession Complete Delegate bWasSuccessful == false is an error code on the PC that display when trying to rejoin created Worlds. This is an error caused by overwhelmed log-in servers. It can be fixed by turning the Multiplayer setting Off for the affected World.

OnCreateSessionComplete Delegate
bWasSuccessful == false Bug Fix

Black Screen on Launch

Black Screen on Launch is a loading error that has users stuck staring at a black screen upon starting the game. To fix this bug, wait for at least 10 minutes for the game to load since the devs have pointed out that the bug causes the game to go idle after launch.

Black Screen on Launch Bug Fix

UE Pal - Exception Access Violation Crash

Palworld - UE Pal Crash Exception Access Violation

Some PC players may get a UE Pal Crashed - Exception Access Violation error summary when they crash to desktop while playing Palworld. While there is no official fix for it yet, a possible workaround can be to verify your game files. This is possible whether on the Steam or Xbox Game Pass version of Palworld.

BP Class Human Error Pop Up

Palworld - BPClass Human Error

Catching the Syndicate Thug Human and selecting the option to View Details for it in the menu results in a BPClass Human error pop up. While jarring, this is easily fixed by simply selecting OK. However, do note that after selecting this option, the Syndicate Thug will appear with a missing in-game model.

Memory Drug Reset Bug

There is currently a bug with the Memory Drug Reset item that reduces the players' Catch Power, with no way to revert it, when used. As of the moment there is no fix for this, so it is recommeded for players to avoid crafting this item and using it.

Memory Reset Drug Bug

Guild Save File Deletion Bug

There is currently a bug that can cause a dedicated (or a Guild's) server to become inaccessible in Palworld. Currently, there is no solid fix for this bug yet other than to backup and delete player save files to regain access.

Make sure to follow Palworld's developers Pocketpair carefully for any updates regarding this save-affecting bug!

Guild Save File Deletion Bug

Controller Not Working

There are times when plugging in a control pad or controller on a PC won't be recognized and won't work. A quick fix for this is to change how the controller is connected to the PC, such as switching to Bluetooth or a wired one.

Moreover, Xbox and PS controllers usually work better and have little to no issues when used on a PC, so you might want to try them instead if you have one! This issue still persists even after the Palworld Version Update.
All Controls and How to Change

Exit Button Missing In-Game

The exit or quit button on the PC is currently missing in the game. To solve this issue, simply go to the platform where you access Palworld and force the exit from there. You can also use the Task Manager to close Palworld manually.

However, make sure to save your progress first, as doing the methods above will not do an autosave for you. This issue is still active even after updating the game to Version

Key Guide Display Not Working Properly

Key Guide Display not working properly is another PC bug where the Key Guide Display is not showing properly on the screen. There isn't a fix for this yet, but the developers are now working on a fix on this!

General Troubleshooting Tips

Make Sure You're Connected to the Internet

Unfortunately, Palworld is rife with connectivity issues especially when trying to join dedicated servers. Before hopping into one of the many Official and Dedicated Worlds in-game, make sure you have a strong and stable internet connection.

If playing on Wi-Fi, consider switching to a wired connection in the form of an Ethernet Cable if network connectivity issues persist while playing online.

Verify Game Files if Getting Errors After an Update

If you're a PC player and you start getting errors after a client update, then you may want to verify the integrity of your game files before taking to any help forums in search of your particular error code.

On Steam, right click the game in your Library and go to Properties > Installed Files > Verify integrity of game files. On the Xbox App (for Game Pass users), go to Palworld in your Library and select ... > Manage > Files > Verify and Repair.

Check if You Meet Requirements to Host Servers

Dedicated Server Requirements
CPU 4 Cores (Recommended)
Network UDP Port 8211 (Default) Port forwarding required.

For those looking to play on private servers, do note that the Official Palworld Tech Guide details some requirements you have to meet before you can host a dedicated server.

If you're having a tough time setting up the dedicated server on PC, make sure you meet the system requirements above and that you have a rudimentary knowledge about Port Forwarding.

How to Set Up Dedicated Server

Future Updates

Upcoming Bug Fixes Announced

Palworld - All Bugs and Error Codes

Several issues including world date rollbacks or the world date not updating as intended and the long loading screen time have been raised, and devs confirmed that these issues will be fixed on a future update of the game.

While it hasn't been implemented yet, make sure to check out our guide for the latest information on Palworld's news, announcements, and updates below!

Roadmap and Future Updates

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - News and Events Partial Banner.png

News and Events

All News and Game Info

Palworld News and Updates
Does Palworld Have Crossplay? Palworld Available Platforms: Is Palworld on Playstation?
Palworld Release Time How to Fix All Bugs and Error Codes
Palworld Black Screen on Launch Bug Fix Failed to Host Multiplayer Session Bug Fix
OnCreateSessionComplete Delegate bWasSuccessful == false Bug Fix Not Found Session 91 Bug Fix
UE-Pal Exception Access Violation Bug Fix Memory Reset Drug Bug
Version Patch Notes and Updates All Palworld Version Differences
Palworld Early Access Roadmap and Future Updates Palworld Player Count: How Many People Play Palworld

Patch Notes and Updates

Version Release Date
1.3 Patch Notes and Updates January 25, 2024
v0.1.1.0 Patch Notes for Game Pass January 24, 2024

All Patch Notes and Updates

Palworld Server Status

Palworld Server Status (January 21, 2024)
Servers Overloaded - Expect Multiplayer Issues