All Partner Skills Effects

Palworld - Partner Skills
Partner Skills are combination attacks or actions between Pals and Players in Palworld! Read ahead to see a list of all Partner Skills and their respective Pals!

List of Partner Skills

Partner Skill Description Pal
Aerial Marauder Increases the player's damage dealt to enemy weak points while mounted. Palworld - Aerial Marauder Weapon Vanwyrm
Palworld - Aerial Marauder Weapon Vanwyrm Cryst
Aerial Missile Allows you to mount Jetragon and have it fire a series of homing missiles while mounted. Palworld - Aerial Missile Weapon Jetragon
Amicable Holy Dragon While Elphidran is your active Pal, it increases the amount of items Dark Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Amicable Holy Dragon Weapon Elphidran
Amicable Water Dragon While Elphidran Aqua is your active Pal, it increases the amount of items Fire Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Amicable Water Dragon Weapon Elphidran Aqua
Angry Shark Unleashes a powerful attack when activated. Passively powers up the player's attack while this Pal is in the party. Palworld - Angry Shark Weapon Gobfin
Palworld - Angry Shark Weapon Gobfin Ignis
Antigravity Increases the player's max carrying capacity by a moderate amount while Lunaris is on the team. Palworld - Antigravity Weapon Lunaris
Aqua Spout While Kelpsea is in your party, the attack of your active Water Pal is increased. Palworld - Aqua Spout Weapon Kelpsea
Aurora Guide While Foxcicle is in your party, the attack of your Ice Pals is powered up. Palworld - Aurora Guide Weapon Foxcicle
Berry Picker When assigned to the Ranch, Caprity produces Berries. Palworld - Berry Picker Weapon Caprity
Black Ankylosaur Improves the player's mining efficiency while riding Astegon. Palworld - Black Ankylosaur Weapon Astegon
Black Hare Increases the player's attack significantly and changes the player's damage type to Dark while mounting Pyrin Noct. Palworld - Black Hare Weapon Pyrin Noct
Black Steed Converts the player's attacks to deal Dark damage instead and increases the Dark damage dealt by the player and Frostallion Noct while mounted. Enables Frostallion Noct to be mounted. Palworld - Black Steed Weapon Frostallion Noct
Blessing of the Flower Spirit Petallia heals the player for a set amount per level when activated. Palworld - Blessing of the Flower Spirit Weapon Petallia
Brandish Blade Bushi dashes towards a target Pal and performs a powerful slash. Palworld - Brandish Blade Weapon Bushi
Brave Sailor While Penking is your active Pal, it increases the amount of items Fire Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Brave Sailor Weapon Penking
Caffeine Inoculation Depresso gains a sudden burst of energy which increases its movement speed. The movement speed bonus increases for each level Caffeine Inoculation. Palworld - Caffeine Inoculation Weapon Depresso
Candy Pop When assigned to the Ranch, Woolipop produces Cotton Candy. Palworld - Candy Pop Weapon Woolipop
Cat Helper Increases the player's max carrying capacity by a small amount while Cattiva is on the team. Palworld - Cat Helper Weapon Cattiva
Cheery Rifle Tanzee arms itself with an assault rifle and shoots enemies in range, dealing neutral element damage for the skill's duration. Palworld - Cheery Rifle Weapon Tanzee
Claws Glistening in the Dark Loupmoon leaps and attacks the target enemy. Palworld - Claws Glistening in the Dark Weapon Loupmoon
Clear Mind Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Kitsun. Ignores cold and hot environment effects while mounted. Palworld - Clear Mind Weapon Kitsun
Cold Bomb Equips Jolthog Cryst in the player's hand. When thrown, it creates a large cold explosion on impact, dealing damage and freezing enemies hit, making them easier to catch. The damage increases for each level of Cold Bomb. Palworld - Cold Bomb Weapon Jolthog Cryst
Cool Body Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Reindrix. Keeps the rider cool in hot environments. Palworld - Cool Body Weapon Reindrix
Dark Knight of the Abyss Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Necromus. Allows Necromus to double jump while mounted. Palworld - Dark Knight of the Abyss Weapon Necromus
Dark Knowledge While Hoocrates is in your party, your active Dark Pal's attack is increased. The bonus damage is increased per level of Dark Knowledge. Palworld - Dark Knowledge Weapon Hoocrates
Darkclaw Hunter Incineram Noct attacks the target enemy with the Hellfire Claw skill, damaging and burning the enemy. Palworld - Darkclaw Hunter Weapon Incineram Noct
Darkflame Lion While Blazehowl Noct is your active Pal, increases the amount of items Neutral Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Darkflame Lion Weapon Blazehowl Noct
Dig Here! When grazing in the Ranch, Vixy occasionally finds Pals Spheres, Arrows, and Gold. Vixy can also find Mega Pal Spheres with at least 4 levels in Dig Here. Palworld - Dig Here! Weapon Vixy
Direhowl Rider Increases mount speed and enables mounting for Direhowl. Palworld - Direhowl Rider Weapon Direhowl
Dragon Hunter While Cryolinx is your active Pal, increases the amount of items Dragon Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Dragon Hunter Weapon Cryolinx
Dream Chaser Daedream accompanies you and follows up your attacks with dark magic that increase in damage for each level of Dream Chaser while it is in your party and not set as your active Pal. Palworld - Dream Chaser Weapon Daedream
Drill Crusher When activated, Digtoise spins and mines ores with inreased efficiency. Shell Spin's power is also powered up. Palworld - Drill Crusher Weapon Digtoise
Egg Layer When assigned to the Ranch, Chikipi produces Eggs. Palworld - Egg Layer Weapon Chikipi
Eggbomb Launcher Requires Tocotoco's Gloves. While Tocotoco is the active Pal, activate its Partner Skill and it will hop onto the player's arms and will act as a grenade launcher that shoots explosive eggs. Palworld - Eggbomb Launcher Weapon Tocotoco
Ferocious Thunder Dragon While Orserk is your active Pal, it increases the amount of items Water Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Ferocious Thunder Dragon Weapon Orserk
Flame Wing Increases the player's attack significantly and changes the player's damage type to Fire while mounting Ragnahawk. Palworld - Flame Wing Weapon Ragnahawk
Flameclaw Hunter Incineram attacks the target enemy with the Hellfire Claw skill, damaging and burning the enemy. Palworld - Flameclaw Hunter Weapon Incineram
Fluffy While in your party, increases Sweepa's attack and defense. Palworld - Fluffy Weapon Swee
Fluffy Shield Allows Lamball to be used as a shield. When assigned to the Ranch, Lamball produces Wool. Palworld - Fluffy Shield Weapon Lamball
Fluffy Wool Powers up the attack of Neutral Pals in the party while Cremis is in the party. When assigned to the Ranch, Cremis produces Wool. Palworld - Fluffy Wool Weapon Cremis
Flying Trapeze Allows Hangyu to be used as a glider. Hangyu gives the player a short upward burst when used. Each level increases the base gliding speed and decreases stamina drain and the rate at which you fall while gliding. Palworld - Flying Trapeze Weapon Hangyu
Fragrant Dragon Increases the Grass damage dealt by the player and Dinossom while mounted. Enables Dinossom to be mounted. Palworld - Fragrant Dragon Weapon Dinossom
Fried Squid Allows Killamari to be used as a glider. Each level increases the base gliding speed, and decreases stamina drain and the rate at which you fall while gliding. Palworld - Fried Squid Weapon Killamari
Full-power Gorilla Mode When activated, it significantly increases Gorirat's attack temporarily. Palworld - Full-power Gorilla Mode Weapon Gorirat
Gaia Crusher Improves the player's mining and logging efficiency while riding Mammorest. Palworld - Gaia Crusher Weapon Mammorest
Galeclaw Rider Allows Galeclaw to be used as a glider. Each level increases the base gliding speed and decreases stamina drain and the rate at which you fall while gliding. Guns can be fired while gliding with Galeclaw. Palworld - Galeclaw Rider Weapon Galeclaw
Goddess of the Tranquil Light Lyleen Noct heals the player for a set amount per level when activated. Palworld - Goddess of the Tranquil Light Weapon Lyleen Noct
Gold Digger When assigned to the Ranch, Mau produces Gold Coins. Palworld - Gold Digger Weapon Mau
Palworld - Gold Digger Weapon Mau Cryst
Grassland Speedster When fighting together with Verdash, increases player movement speed moderately and changes the player's damage type to Grass. Palworld - Grassland Speedster Weapon Verdash
Grenadier Panda Allows Mossanda to be mounted and wield a grenade launcher. Mossanda can fire the grenade launcher multiple times to deal Neutral element damage and stun enemies in a large area. Palworld - Grenadier Panda Weapon Mossanda
Palworld - Grenadier Panda Weapon Mossanda Lux
Grimoire Collector While Katress is your active Pal, increases the amount of items Neutral Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Grimoire Collector Weapon Katress
Guardian of the Desert When fighting together with Anubis, increases player attack by a small amount and changes the player's damage type to Ground. Palworld - Guardian of the Desert Weapon Anubis
Guardian of the Forest Enables Eikthyrdeer to be mounted. While mounted, Eikthyrdeer can perform a double jump and player gets increased logging efficiency. Palworld - Guardian of the Forest Weapon Eikthyrdeer
Guardian of the Golden Forest Enables Eikthyrdeer Terra to be mounted. While mounted, Eikthyrdeer Terra can perform a double jump and player gets increased logging efficiency. Palworld - Guardian of the Golden Forest Weapon Eikthyrdeer Terra
Guardian of the Grassy Fields Increases the player's max carrying capacity by a large amount while Wumpo Botan is on the team. Allows Wumpo Botan to be mounted. Palworld - Guardian of the Grassy Fields Weapon Wumpo Botan
Guardian of the Snowy Mountain Increases the player's max carrying capacity by a large amount while Wumpo is on the team. Allows Wumpo to be mounted. Palworld - Guardian of the Snowy Mountain Weapon Wumpo
Hard Armor While Warsect is your active Pal, your defense and fire resistance is increased. Palworld - Hard Armor Weapon Warsect
Hard Head Increases player's mining efficiency while riding Rushoar. Palworld - Hard Head Weapon Rushoar
Harvest Goddess Lyleen heals the player for a set amount per level when activated. Palworld - Harvest Goddess Weapon Lyleen
Hawk Eye Increases the player's damage dealt to enemy weak points while fighting with Robinquill. Palworld - Hawk Eye Weapon Robinquill
Palworld - Hawk Eye Weapon Robinquill Terra
Heart Drain Lovander and the player heals for a portion of the damage they deal while fighting together. Palworld - Heart Drain Weapon Lovander
Hellflame Lion While Blazehowl is your active Pal, increases the amount of items Grass Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Hellflame Lion Weapon Blazehowl
Helper Bunny Flopie accompanies you and picks up item with a certain range and adds them to your inventory. Palworld - Helper Bunny Weapon Flopie
Holy Knight of the Firmament Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Paladius. Allows Paladius to triple jump while mounted. Palworld - Holy Knight of the Firmament Weapon Paladius
Huggy Fire Requires Foxparks's Harness. While Foxparks is the active Pal, activate its Partner Skill and it will hop onto the player's arms and will act as a flamethrower, replacing the player's weapon for the duration. Palworld - Huggy Fire Weapon Foxparks
Hungry Missile Allows you to mount Relaxaurus and have it fire a series of rockets while mounted. Palworld - Hungry Missile Weapon Relaxaurus
Ice Crusher Improves the player's mining and logging efficiency while riding Mammorest Cryst. Palworld - Ice Crusher Weapon Mammorest Cryst
Ice Steed Converts the player's attacks to deal Ice damage instead and increases the Ice damage dealt by the player and Frostallion while mounted. Enables Frostallion to be mounted. Palworld - Ice Steed Weapon Frostallion
Ice-loving Beast Improves the player's mining efficiency while riding Ice Reptyro. Palworld - Ice-loving Beast Weapon Reptyro Cryst
Jolt Bomb Equips Jolthog in the player's hand. When thrown, it creates a large electric explosion on impact, dealing damage and shocking enemies hit which stuns them and makes them easier to catch for a moment. The damage increases for each level of Jolt Bomb. Palworld - Jolt Bomb Weapon Jolthog
Jumping Force Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Rayhound. Allows Rayhound to double jump while mounted. Palworld - Jumping Force Weapon Rayhound
King of Fluff Unlocks the ability to mount Sweepa. Sweepa gains a small damage increase for each level of this Partner Skill. Does not affect Swee. Palworld - King of Fluff Weapon Sweepa
King of Muscles Increases the player's max carrying capacity by a significant amount while Kingpaca is on the team. Allows Kingpaca to be mounted. Palworld - King of Muscles Weapon Kingpaca
Palworld - King of Muscles Weapon Kingpaca Cryst
Kuudere When fighting together with Nox, powers up player attack by a small amount and changes the player's damage type to Dark. Palworld - Kuudere Weapon Nox
Lady of Lightning Dazzi accompanies you and follows up your attacks with lightning bolts that increase in damage per Partner Skill level while it is in your party and not set as your active Pal. Palworld - Lady of Lightning Weapon Dazzi
Lava Spout While Kelpsea Ignis is in your party, the attack of your active Fire Pal is increased. Palworld - Lava Spout Weapon Kelpsea Ignis
Life Steal Felbat and the player heals a portion of the damage they deal while fighting together. Palworld - Life Steal Weapon Felbat
Lifmunk Recoil Requires Lifmunk's Submachine Gun. While Lifmunk is the active Pal, activate its Partner Skill and it will ride on the player's head, shooting a submachine gun as the player attacks. Palworld - Lifmunk Recoil Weapon Lifmunk
Logging Assistance Increases the player's logging efficiency while Gumoss is in the party. Palworld - Logging Assistance Weapon Gumoss
Lord Fox When fighting together with Wixen, increases player attack by a small amount and changes the player's damage type to Fire. Palworld - Lord Fox Weapon Wixen
Magma Kaiser Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Blazamut while mounted. Enables Blazamut to be mounted. Palworld - Magma Kaiser Weapon Blazamut
Magma Tears When assigned to the Ranch, Flambelle produces Flame Organs. Palworld - Magma Tears Weapon Flambelle
Messenger of Death Increases the player's attack significantly and changes the player's damage type to Dark while mounting Maraith. Palworld - Messenger of Death Weapon Maraith
Milk Maker When assigned to the Ranch, Mozzarina produces Milk. Palworld - Milk Maker Weapon Mozzarina
Missile Party Allows you to mount Relaxaurus Lux and have it fire a series of rockets while mounted. Palworld - Missile Party Weapon Relaxaurus Lux
Modified DNA Increases the Dark damage dealt by the player and Shadowbeak while mounted. Enables Shadowbeak to be mounted. Palworld - Modified DNA Weapon Shadowbeak
Mysterious Scales Cinnamoth attacks a target with the Poison Fog skill, inflicting poison on the enemy. Palworld - Mysterious Scales Weapon Cinnamoth
Ore Detector When activated, Fuddler scans for mineable mineral deposits within a 100m radius and highlights them on your compass. Higher levels of the skill expand the area of the scan. Palworld - Ore Detector Weapon Fuddler
Ore-loving Beast Improves the player's mining efficiency while riding Reptyro. Palworld - Ore-loving Beast Weapon Reptyro
Overaffectionate Increases the player's max carrying capacity by a significant amount while Broncherry is on the team. Allows Broncherry to be mounted. Palworld - Overaffectionate Weapon Broncherry
Palworld - Overaffectionate Weapon Broncherry Aqua
Pacapaca Wool When assigned to the Ranch, Melpaca produces Wool. Also enables Melpaca to be mounted. Palworld - Pacapaca Wool Weapon Melpaca
Pengullet Cannon Arms a rocket launcher using Pengullet as ammo. On impact, Pengullet explodes and suffers lethal damage in exchange for dealing Neutral element damage, stunning any enemies it hits in a large area. Palworld - Pengullet Cannon Weapon Pengullet
Plump Body Increases the Neutral damage dealt by the player and Grintale while mounted. Enables Grintale to be mounted. Palworld - Plump Body Weapon Grintale
Princess Gaze While Bristla is in your party, your active Grass Pal's attack is increased. Palworld - Princess Gaze Weapon Bristla
Purification of Gaia While Vaelet is your active Pal, it increases the amount of items Ground Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Purification of Gaia Weapon Vaelet
Queen Bee Command Elizabee gains a small damage increase for each level of this Partner Skill. Does not affect Beegarde. Palworld - Queen Bee Command Weapon Elizabee
Red Hare Increases the player's attack significantly and changes the player's damage type to Fire while mounting Pyrin. Palworld - Red Hare Weapon Pyrin
Sand Swimmer Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Surfent Terra. Palworld - Sand Swimmer Weapon Surfent Terra
Scorching Predator While Faleris is your active Pal, it increases the amount of items Ice Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Scorching Predator Weapon Faleris
Silk Maker When activated, Sibelyx attacks the targeted enemy with a powerful Blizzard Spike. When assigned to the Ranch, Sibelyx produces High Quality Cloth. Palworld - Silk Maker Weapon Sibelyx
Sixth Sense When activated, scans within a 100m radius for nearby dungeons and highlights them on your map. Higher levels of the skill expand the area of the scan. Palworld - Sixth Sense Weapon Leezpunk
Palworld - Sixth Sense Weapon Leezpunk Ignis
Skilled Fingers Increases the attack of Neutral Pals in the party while Ribbuny is in the party. Also increases Ribbuny's while working in a weapon assembly lines. Palworld - Skilled Fingers Weapon Ribbuny
Sky Dragon's Affection Increases the Dragon damage dealt by the player and Quivern while mounted. Enables Quivern to be mounted. Palworld - Sky Dragon Quivern
Soil Improver While Dumud is in your party, your active Ground Pal's attack is increased. Palworld - Soil Improver Weapon Dumud
Soothing Shower Teafant heals the player for a set amount per level of Soothing Shower when activated. Palworld - Soothing Shower Weapon Teafant
Static Electricity While Sparkit is in your party, your active Electric Pal's attack is increased. Palworld - Static Electricity Weapon Sparkit
Steel Scorpion Increases the player's defense and the amount of items Electric Pals drop when defeated. Palworld - Steel Scorpion Weapon Menasting
Stormbringer Lava Dragon Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Jormuntide Ignis while mounted. Enables Jormuntide Ignis to be mounted. Palworld - Stormbringer Lava Dragon Weapon Jormuntide Ignis
Stormbringer Sea Dragon Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Jormuntide. Does not consume stamina while moving on water. Palworld - Stormbringer Sea Dragon Weapon Jormuntide
Surfing Slam Fuack slides at high speeds and hits the opponent, dealing Water elemental damage and soaks them in water. Palworld - Surfing Slam Weapon Fuack
Swift Deity Increases the player's attack significantly and changes the player's damage type to Electricity while mounting Univolt. Palworld - Swift Deity Weapon Univolt
Swift Swimmer Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Surfent. Does not consume stamina while moving on water. Palworld - Swift Swimmer Weapon Surfent
Telepeck Teleports towards the target enemy then performs a powerful attack. Palworld - Telepeck Weapon Cawgnito
Thunder Dragon Increases the Electric damage dealt by the player and Dinossom Lux while mounted. Enables Dinossom Lux to be mounted. Palworld - Thunder Dragon Weapon Dinossom Lux
Thunderous Increases the player's attack significantly and changes the player's damage type to Electric while mounting Beakon. Palworld - Thunderous Weapon Beakon
Tiny Spark While Rooby is in your party, your active Fire Pal's attack is increased. Palworld - Tiny Spark Weapon Rooby
Travel Companion Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Nitewing. Palworld - Travel Companion Weapon Nitewing
Ultrasonic Sensor When activated, Scans within a 100 meter radius for nearby Pals and highlights them on your compass. Higher levels of the skill expand the area of the scan. Palworld - Ultrasonic Sensor Weapon Tombat
Warm Body Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Arsox. Keeps the rider warm in cold environments. Palworld - Warm Body Weapon Arsox
Waterwing Dance Increases the player's attack significantly and changes the player's damage type to Water while mounting Azurobe. Palworld - Waterwing Dance Weapon Azurobe
Wind and Clouds Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Fenglope. Allows Fenglope to double jump while mounted. Palworld - Wind and Clouds Weapon Fenglope
Wings of Death Increases the player's attack moderately and changes the player's damage type to Dark while mounting Helzephyr. Palworld - Wings of Death Weapon Helzephyr
Wings of Fire Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Suzaku while mounted. Enables Suzaku to be mounted. Palworld - Wings of Fire Weapon Suzaku
Wings of Water Increases the Water damage dealt by the player and Suzaku Aqua while mounted. Enables Suzaku Aqua to be mounted. Palworld - Wings of Water Weapon Suzaku Aqua
Winter Trapeze Allows Hangyu Cryst to be used as a glider. Hangyu Cryst gives the player a short upward burst when used. Each level increases the base gliding speed, and decreases stamina drain and the rate at which you fall while gliding. Palworld - Winter Trapeze Weapon Hangyu Cryst
Worker Bee When assigned to the Ranch, Beegarde produces Honey. Each Beegarde in the party increases Elizabee's Attack and Defense. Palworld - Worker Bee Weapon Beegarde
Wriggling Weasel Increases the player's attack significantly and changes the player's damage type to Dragon while mounting Chillet. Palworld - Wriggling Weasel Weapon Chillet
Yellow Tank Allows you to mount Grizzbolt and have it use a minigun while mounted. Palworld - Yellow Tank Weapon Grizzbolt
Zephyr Glider Allows Celaray to be used as a glider. Each level increases the base gliding speed and decreases stamina drain and the rate at which you fall while gliding. Palworld - Zephyr Glider Weapon Celaray

What are Partner Skills?

Player-Pal Combo Actions

Partner Skills are Player-Pal combination actions or attacks.

These skills can range from mounting your Pal, using them as guns, or even firing them as projectiles!

Unlocks With Technology Upgrades

Certain Pals will have their Partner Skills locked and will need the appropriate research in the Technology tab in order to unlock them for use!

Whenever you capture a Pal with a locked Partner Skill, look around in the Technology tab for things like Saddles to unlock their Partner Skills!

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Skills Banner.png

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