Blackguard Big Boggart is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in Liurnia of the Lakes. Read on to learn more about Blackguard Big Boggart's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!
Quest Objectives |
The first significant interaction players will have with Blackguard Big Boggart happens during Rya's questline. Players will have to buy the necklace he stole from Rya for 1000 Runes.
If players keep talking to him and eye the boiling prawns, he will start selling Boiled Prawns. Buying them will unlock additional dialogue which eventually ends with Boggart befriending the Tarnished.
To save Blackguard Big Boggart from dying to the Dung Eater later on, players should not buy prawns from him until you fight the Dung Eater in Leyndell's outer moat.
If done correctly, the Dung Eater will be confined to his cell at the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds and Big Boggart will be free to boil crabs in peace.
Dung Eater Questline and Location
Blackguard Boggart will be an available gold summon for the Magma Wyrm Makar boss fight at the Ruin-Strewn Precipice in Liurnia. During the fight, he can be seen wielding his Iron Ball weapons.
Map Location |
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World View |
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The next time players encounter Boggart will be at the outer moat of Leyndell in the Altus Plateau, near the capital city's eastern side. He will be beside a small body of water, boiling crabs.
Speak to him and he will tell you more about his time as a prisoner as well as his fear of the corpse-defiling Dung Eater.
If players have progressed the Dung Eater's questline to where he will invade the outer moat, Boggart will eventually die.
Speak to Boggart, and if he says that the Dung Eater is lurking in the area, returning to his location will see him dead and his corpse defiled.
Once Boggart dies, players can loot his body for a bunch of items. This includes his Bell Bearing (which can be given to the Twin Maiden Husks to access his merchant inventory), his Iron Mask, his Iron Ball weapon, as well as a Seedbed Curse (used in the Dung Eater's questline).
Map Location | World View |
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Blackguard Big Boggart can be found at the Boilprawn Shack in Liurnia of the Lakes.
Weapon | ・Iron Ball |
Armor | ・Blackguard's Iron Mask |
Items | ・Blackguard's Bell Bearing ・Rya's Necklace ・1000 Runes (NG) |
"You're Tarnished too, ain'tcha? Can you see it then? The guidance of grace, I mean. I can't see it at all no more. Makes no bloody sense anyway, why some no-name like me should get called to the Lands Between." |
"Oh, I see. You want some of me prawn? Freshly cooked, it is. Alright then. It's yours, if you can meet me price." |
"Mate, there's somethin' I should probably tell ya. You 'eard of the Dung Eater? E's a madman, 'as it out for everyone. Curses 'em. Goes 'round in this rank armour, an' all. You see 'im though, stay well away." |
"Never met someone with a taste for crab I couldn't trust. We've got a real thing here, eh, and it's only gettin' better." |
"Yeah...and now I seen it 'ere, again. Never thought I would. What 'e does to those bodies. It was...It was 'im, no question. That monster. He's lurkin' round 'ere." |
"Help me out, would ya, mate...I don't wanna get cursed. Just let me die...I don't wanna live like this...not anymore...So, please..." |
NPCs Guides | |
All Merchant Locations | All Nomadic & Isolated Merchants |
How to Make Hostile NPCs Friendly |