How to Light Up Dark Places


Lanterns and spells are used to help light up dark places and see in the night in Dragon's Dogma 2. Read on to learn more how to light up dark places and why you should light up dark places.

How to Light Up Dark Places

Use Lanterns and Torches


When adventuring, you should always bring a light source like lanterns and torches with you. Lanterns are preferred because they can be attached to your belt, freeing your hands for combat.

Basing on Dragon's Dogma 1, lanterns would need to be refilled with oil regularly.

How to Turn Lantern On and Off

PS5 Xbox
PS4 - L1 Button.png + PNG - Dpad Right.png
XBOX - Left Bumper.png XBOX - DPAD Right.png

To toggle the lantern on and off, press L1 + Right D-Pad on the PS5 controller or LB + Right D-Pad on the Xbox controller.

List of Controls and How to Change

Cast Illuminating Spells


You can also cast certain spells that give off light in a small area. These spells linger around the battlefield and also have practical applications in combat.

Why Light Up Dark Places?

Aid In Combat and Exploration


Throughout your journey, you may find yourself having to push forward through the dark or at night. A light source is important find your footing and defend yourself from threats.

Spot Dangerous Monsters


At night, stronger and deadlier monsters roam about in the dark. A light sources will help you spot them from afar to avoid them, or hunt them down.

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