All Fast Travel Locations: How to Fast Travel


This is a list of all fast travel locations in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to fast travel, all fast travel options, and all locations with fast travel points.

Fast Travel Locations

Starting Fast Travel Locations

Location Available Fast Travel Points
Melve1 Oxcart Station
(Route: Melve - Vernworth )
Vernworth1 Portcrystal
2 Oxcart Stations
(Routes: Vernworth - Checkpoint , Vernworth - Melve )
Harve Village 1 Portcrystal
Check2 Oxcart Stations
(Routes: Vernworth - Checkpoint , Vernworth - Melve )
Bakbattahl 1 Oxcart Station
(Route: Bakbattahl - Checkpoint )

Up until the last quest in your gameplay, there are only two areas that have fast travel points by Portcrystal. While the oxcart is does transport you relatively safer, in-game time continues to pass when you select “Doze Off”.

Additional Post-Game Fast Travel Locations

Location Available Fast Travel Points
Sacred Arbor 1 Portcrystal
Seafloor Shrine 1 Portcrystal
Agamen Volcanic Island 1 Portcrystal

After completing the game and unlocking the true ending, you will be transported back into the world but everything has changed. The sky is now red and the seas have dried up. Oxcarts will no longer be available, instead the only means of fast travel in the post-game is by portcrystals.

How to Fast Travel

How to Fast Travel

Ride an Oxcart


You can ride Oxcarts as one of the primary ways to fast travel to major locations in the game. However, they will only be available during daytime. By nighttime, you will have to find an Oxcart Station Bell and hold B or Circle to skip time to the following morning.

Once aboard an oxcart, pay the coachman the travel fare and take a seat. You can then select Doze Off to fall sleep and skip the long journey to your destination. In-game time will also be affected during your slumber, depending on the distance to your destination.

All Oxcart Locations: How to Ride Oxcarts

Monsters Can Ambush You Along the Way


One of the disadvantages of riding Oxcarts is that there is a chance that you can get ambushed by several monsters along the way. You'll have to defeat all enemies in the area before you can hop back into the cart and doze off once more.

List of Monsters

Use Ferrystones to Warp to Portcrystals


Consuming a Ferrystone allows you to instantly teleport to Portcrystals located around different towns in the map. Unlike the Oxcart, warping to Portcrystals are completely safe from enemy ambush and will not progress the in-game time.

However, fast traveling to Portcrystals is a costly method, as a single Ferrystone is priced at 10,000G from vendors and merchants.

All Portcrystal Locations

You Can Set Up Your Own Portcrystal

In addition to the current locations of Portcrystals on the map, you can also place your own Portcrystal in a location of your liking. You can plop down up to a maximum of 10 Portcrystals!

Keep in mind that you'll have to progress a bit in the main story in order to get your hands on your very own Portcrystal.

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