Enemy Drop Ferrystone

Mod Introduction

Replace 5% of enemy drop items to Ferrystone(or any appointed item)
Link to the mod

Installation Guide

Replace 5% of enemy drop items to Ferrystone(or any appointed item) 

All dd2 mods source in github.


1. Only replace the dropped items.Won't increase the chance you get a drop item.
If an enemy don't drop an item without this mod, then it still won't drop with this mod
This mod will reduce the chance you get original drop item.
Items with `Once` and `SpecialOnce` flag won't be replaced(I don't know what these flags mean either,don't ask me.)

1.3.If UI language is different with your game language or showing ???,try modifying your game language setting in STEAM

1.4.Also Affects Gather By Default(can disable in config)

Won't replace seeker's token or beetle(since v2.3)
Won't replace Quest/Special type item(since v2.4)
Won't repalce Boss drop(since v2.4)

Quest/Special item for current version :
534     Bandit Bill of Arrest
530     Makeshift Treasure Chest Key
482     Aphony's Tome
481     Forayer's Tome
480     Gawker's Tome
479     Logician's Tome
478     Surgeon's Tome
477     Wooden Wordsmith's Tome
476     Dragon's Gauze
475     Key of Mendacity
474     Golden Stove Beetle
471     On the Transit of Souls 2
470     On the Transit of Souls 1
469     Seeder's Token
468     Eternal Wokestone
467     Grandmother's Path
466     Theurgist's Rote
465     Spellbow's Parabola
464     Conjurer's Jabberings
463     Myrddin's Cubicle
462     Champion's Foible
461     Hunter's Sonnet
460     Legend's Hocus
459     Pesterer's Handbook
458     Paladin's Energizer
457     Enchanter's Alarm
456     Soldier's Cord
454     Ceiling Phial
453     Partcrystal
452     Ferristone
451     Wokestone Shard
450     Wokestone
404     Ambivalent Rift Incense
403     Straightforward Rift Incense
402     Simple Rift Incense
401     Calm Rift Incense
400     Kindhearted Rift Incense
399     Ancient Battleground Key
398     Golden Trove Beetle
397     Empowered Godsbane Blade
396     Mock Mended Regalia Sword
395     Provisioner's Note
394     Darragh's Bill of Arrest
393     Folded Letter
383     Unlabeled Medicine
382     Records of Treatment
376     Torn Letter
374     Gaol Key
373     Paragon Staff Replica
372     Scrap of Cloth
371     Overseers' Lodge Key
370     Makeshift Vault Key
369     Moonglint Key
367     Escort Orders
366     Imitation Jadeite Orb
365     Jadeite Orb
360     On the Transference of Souls 1
357     Dulled Godsbane Blade
355     Small Blue Crystal Shard
354     Large Blue Crystal Shard
353     Letter to Ser Lennart
352     Restored Regalia Sword
351     Dulled Regalia Sword
349     Paragon Staff
346     Tiger Eye
345     Onyx
344     Jasper
339     Beastren Border Entry Permit
338     Border Entry Permit
335     Letter of Request
334     Scalecinder
332     Glimmercoal
331     Sven's Ornate Box
330     Labor Requisition Orders
329     Merchant's Document
327     Murder Report
326     Bribery Investigation Findings
324     Exquisite Spectacles
323     Letter to Lord Phaesus
322     Arborheart Cutting
321     Battahl Residence Permit
319     Ornate Box
318     Diminished Godsway
317     Makeshift Gaol Key
316     Unfinished Letter
315     On the Transference of Souls 2
314     Letter to Menella
310     Missive to the Captain
309     Letter to Lord Patrick
308     Battahli-Crested Letter
307     Message from Brant
306     Myrmecoleon Card
305     Seeker's Token
304     Platinum Myrmecoleon Card
301     Disa's Letter
300     Beggar's Garb
207     Glymercole
136     Purple Dye
135     Yellow Dye
134     Blue Dye
133     Green Dye
132     Red Dye
123     Explorer's Camping Kit
112     Finder's Token
110     Key of Sagacity
108     Art of Metamorphosis
107     Withered Branches
106     Elite Camping Kit
105     Sand-Patterned Camping Kit
104     Grass-Patterned Camping Kit
103     Mundane Camping Kit
102     Modest Camping Kit
101     Decayed Medusa Head
100     Withered Medusa Head
99      Medusa Head
98      Preserved Medusa Head
95      Giant Hunk of Rift Crystal
94      Hunk of Rift Crystal
93      1 G
92      Harpysnare Smoke Beacon
91      Sealing Phial (Contains Person)
90      Sealing Phial
89      Lantern (No Fuel)
88      Lantern (Near-Empty)
87      Lantern (Half-Full)
86      Lantern (Fueled)
85      Lantern Oil
83      Bunch of Flowers
81      Portcrystal
80      Ferrystone
79      Dragon's Gaze
78      Wakestone Shard
77      Wakestone
76      Eternal Wakestone
605     Harpysnare Smoke Beacon
608     Makeshift Gaol Key
607     Ambivalent Rift Incense
603     Explorer's Camping Kit
606     Heartfelt Pendant
609     Art of Metamorphosis
601     Wakestone

1.5.Drop items can be replaced for any language,but setting UI only Support English and Chinese
may also support some romance language,but I can't test them)

1.8.When adding DLC item to drop list, it will drop.But the config will be cleared once you return to title or close game

2.For some users, setting UI appears at the begining.For other users ,setting UI appears when they entry the game world first time.

[s]3.This mod overrides `enemydefaultitemdropdata.user.2`/`enemyitemdropdata.user.2`.Therefore conflicts with any mod which also modify these files. Therefore not compatitable with a new game version where these files are updated

[/s]3.No conflict issues since v2.0.Doesn't modify a `.user` file since v2.0

4.Config in UI

you can add up to 5 drop item to drop list.
if an item has 0 count/0 rate,it will be ignored
For example ,if you set item1 to 20% drop rate and item2 to 15% drop rate.Then each original item has 20% chance to be item1,15% chance to be item2, 65% chance to be original item
Check droprate by the order.If item1 and item2 has 100% droprate in total, item345 or original item will never drop.

AffectGatherSpot: affect gathering 
IgnoreBossDrop : don't replace boss drop
IgnoreQuestItem: don't replace quest/special items

Install /

Install Instruction and requirement changed in v2.0.
To use v2.0 or later,you need to uninstall v1.0 version!

1. Install Reframework

1.5. Install _XYZApi  (>=1.6.1)

2.You can Install by Fluffy Mod Manager or Manually

2.1. Install by Fluffy Mod Manager:
 Download this mod and drag into mod manager.Then turn it on in mod manager

 2.2.Install Manually
 Dowload this mod and extract.Copy the `reframework` folder to game folder. If `reframework` already exists in game folder,then merge these two folders.
 if font file already exists,ignore it.
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