Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Season 1 was released on November 16, 2022, featuring tons of new content for players to get and compete. Read on to learn more about the Season 1 update and patch notes, and see all the available content coming out on its release!
Kastov 545
• ADS speed increase
• Improved ironsight ADS sight picture
• Hip spread increase
• ADS speed decrease
• Hip spread reduction
• Rate of fire increase
• Hip spread reduction
• Recoil recenter speed increase
• Shot grouping improvement
• Increase ADS movement speed
• Increase strafing movement speed
• Semi auto recoil reduction
• Semi auto damage reduction
STB 556
• Close range damage reduction
• Reduced sprint to fire speed
FTAC Recon
• ADS speed improvement
• 5 round magazine - Speed and Handling improvement
• Increased flinch caused by bullets
• Hip spread decrease
• Increased hip fire when full auto
SA-B 50
• Minor increase to flinch when hit
SP-R 208
• Large increase to flinch when hit
FSS Hurricane
• ADS move speed increase
• Increased headshot damage
• Increased far damage range
• Movement speed decrease
• Damage range decrease
• ADS speed decrease
• Hip spread increase
VEL 46
• Damage range increase
Bryson 800
• Close range damage increase
• Hip spread increase
Signal 50
Fixed attributes on the Signal 50 barrels:
• 21.5" Fluted Fifty
• 23.5" SA Fifty-H7
- Reduced the critical damage multiplier on the Heavy Tank (from 1.6 to 1.25)
- Reduced the damage of the PILA against tanks from 30 to 25%
- Reduced vehicle explosive damage against other vehicles (percentage varies by vehicle)
- The Drill Charge sticking to the Riot Shield will always kill the player using the Riot Shield (even if they have the Bomb Squad perk).
- Cluster Mines now stick to all vehicles.
- Ally deaths no longer give the player assist points while their Counter UAV is active.
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- Fixed an issue with the Schlager TTF3 Riser ammo comb on the STB 556 Assault Rifle.
- Dropshot exploit fix.
- Fixed exploit with bipod mount launching, re-enabled bipod use.
- Fixed incendiary damage over time to not flinch the player.
- Tuned exiting the RHIB to help mitigate an issue with players getting stuck
- Exiting the RHIB now places you within the boat. You'll no longer be left in the water behind the boat when moving.
- Fixes to vehicle-on-vehicle bug that caused vehicles flying as a result of certain collisions and vehicles pushing others back.
- Fixed a bug where the vehicle camera was re-initializing after repairing a wheel.
- Fixed vehicles becoming permanently submerged when another vehicle lands on top of them.
- Fixed floating grass in Sariff Bay
- Fixed stretched texture in Santa Seña
- Miscellaneous bug and exploit fixes across all Battle Maps
- Fixed bullet penetration issues across some maps
- Player and equipment collision fixes
- Al Bagra Fortress barracks lighting fixed
- Fixed some Deployable Cover locations
- General exploit fixes
- Fixed bug where players were unable to revive a teammate if they went down near an ammo box
- Addressed issue where player could get stuck in the elevator during the “Countdown” mission
- Fixed issue where sequence would not kick off during second half of “Kill or Capture” mission
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- Stow Keybind - By default, you hold the "Scoreboard" key to stow and "Interact" to equip. Now you're able to set a different keybind for Stow.
- Gyro Aiming - You’re now able to aim using your gamepad’s gyroscope.
- "Backpack Behavior: Mixed" - This new option makes it possible to use the backpack with toggle (cursor) and hold (no cursor).
- Ledge Hang Behavior - This option changes the inputs required to perform a Ledge Grab.
- Now rewards Stars when collecting intel
- Stars awarded upon collecting 5 intel; 2 for every intel
- Combat Record has been added for Core Multiplayer
- Calling card menu has been revamped to show challenges
- Customize tab added (with the addition of custom loading screens)
Players can now hold the Ping keybind to communicate via custom visuals and voice lines including:
- General Ping
- Attacking Here
- Watching Here
- Looting Here
- Regrouping Here
- Stay Quiet
- I Need Help
- Assimilation Related
This feature now includes the following preference filters:
- In-Game Communication Style: Voice Chat, Text Chat, Ping.
- Main Language: Select up to 3 language preferences.
- Playstyle (Primary, Secondary): Competitive, Casual, Objectives, High Kills.
- To access this, click “Find A Party”, select the mode you want to play to access a lobby, and find your team based on preferences.
- Weapon brands visible
- Streamlined Blueprint navigation
- Operator finishing moves
- Gunscreens
- War Tracks
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- Consoles now have the option to adjust their field-of-view setting up to 120 degrees.
- Improvements to the audio system to address this key area.
- Players will now be able to see the total scores for their entire squad in the in-game Scoreboard.
- Players are now able to join other Players while they are queued up.
- If a Player joins a full squad that is already queued, the squad will be removed from said queue.
- To guarantee a fair match start, weapons are stowed while skydiving during initial deployment.
- Players now can look around and shoot their weapon while using an ascender.
- Players can now attach to an ascender while falling.
- Players who are parachuting can now mantle and ledge hang.
- The new ledge hanging mechanic makes it easier to traverse over large obstacles.
- Backpack slots occupied by stackable items will automatically pick up additional copies until that stack reaches max capacity. This works great when players want to plan ahead for future ammo needs.
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Updates and Patch Notes