Ginseng Sprite Wiki


Ginseng Sprite

The Ginseng Sprite is a type of spirit that is the essence of a ginseng having attained sentience.

It is found in both Black Wind Mountain and Yellow Wind Ridge.

After defeating a Ginseng Sprite in Black Wind Mountain, there is a chance to drop high-quality herbal medicine such as thousand-year-old mountain ginseng; after defeating a Ginseng Sprite in Yellow Wind Ridge, there is a chance to drop special garments and mountain treasures like straw raincoats.

Divine Image of the Ginseng

A sprout with a strange gift, it emerges from the soil.

Its beard and roots serve as hands and feet, its body divides at the shoulders and hips.

It calms the spirit and strengthens the essence, nourishing and filling the void.

Harvest three ounces of root, but greed will lead to suffering.

Ancient texts state that consuming ginseng regularly can prolong life, which is why people love to eat ginseng, especially old ginseng. Some scholars disagree, believing that ginseng is half poison and half tonic, favored only because it naturally resembles a human form. Regardless, those who make a living by harvesting ginseng are always plentiful.

The younger ginsengs in the deep valleys are particularly afraid of a certain type of footstep. This sound comes from the special mountain shoes worn by ginseng harvesters, which make a particularly disgusting and terrifying noise when stepping on the thick leaves and mudstones in the old forests. Whenever this sound echoes, the brothers and sisters of the little ginsengs disappear one by one, leaving only those too small to be caught, spared by their size. Yet, even so, most of their tips are still tied with a red string. The harvesters restrain them, perhaps to return and dig them up once they've grown.

Time flies unnoticed, and today, that familiar footstep sounds again, likely belonging to the descendants of those from long ago. The steps are quick and hurried, probably having spotted the familiar red string. What bad luck! The harvester who touched this piece of red string found it tied to a skeleton. Just as he was about to curse, a sound came from behind him. A huge spirit burst from the ground, scaring him into running away, shouting as he fled, "It's eating people! The monster is eating people!"


There is a chance to pull out a Ginseng Sprite when harvesting old mountain ginseng.

The Ginseng Sprite is top-heavy and clumsy.

It is adept at using headbutts, swinging its arms to strike, and grappling.

By plunging its arms into the ground, it can grow white roots that spread towards the enemy, trapping them and inflicting poison damage upon contact.
