Tiger Vanguard Wiki


Tiger Vanguard

Divine Image of the Tiger

Majestic and imposing, with a body like flowers and eyes like lightning, it shows its ferocity.

A bloody storm conceals murderous intent, with a copper head and iron tail to dominate all directions.

Name: Tiger Vanguard

Category: Demon King

Location: Wohu Temple on Huangfeng Ridge

Attack: Unknown

Defense: Unknown

Tiger Vanguard is the Demon King of Huangfeng Ridge, located at Wohu Temple.

Loading Screen Description One:

"The tiger collapsed and lay before the cliff. The Traveler raised his staff and struck with all his might, causing his own hand to ache.

Pigsy followed with a rake, which also caused the rake's teeth to burst forth. It turned out to be a tiger skin covering a lying tiger stone."

Loading Screen Description Two:

A body raw and bloody, legs bent and grotesquely red.

Temples fiery and bushy, eyebrows stiff and upright.

Four steel teeth stark white, a pair of eyes shining gold.

Roaring with a proud effort, shouting loudly and heroically.


From "Journey to the West," Chapter 20: "Monk Tang Faces Trouble at Yellow Wind Ridge, Pigsy Competes to be First":

Great Sage, letting the wind pass, caught the tail of the wind and sniffed it, detecting a fishy smell, and said, "Indeed, this is no ordinary wind. This wind smells not of tiger, but of something strange. There must be a trick to it."

Before he could finish, a fierce tiger with a patterned coat leaped out from the hillside below. The sudden appearance caused Monk Tang to lose his balance on the sculpted saddle, falling off the white horse and leaning against the roadside, utterly terrified. Pigsy dropped the luggage, drew his iron rake, and without letting the Traveler step forward, shouted loudly, "Beast! Where are you going?" He rushed forward and struck with his rake. The tiger stood up straight, raised its front left paw, hooked its own eye socket, and with a swipe, skinned itself, standing by the roadside. Look at its ferocious appearance:

A body raw and bloody, legs bent and grotesquely red.

Temples fiery and bushy, eyebrows stiff and upright.

Four steel teeth stark white, a pair of eyes shining gold.

Roaring with a proud effort, shouting loudly and heroically.

It shouted, "Hold on! Hold on! I am not just anyone; I am the vanguard under the command of the Great King of the Yellow Wind. I am here on strict orders to patrol the mountain and capture some mortals for a feast. Who are you, monk, to dare wield weapons against me?"


The demon did not wait to argue, stepped forward quickly, threw a stance, and reached out to grab Pigsy's face. Pigsy dodged swiftly, swung his rake, and struck. The monster, unarmed, fled downhill, and Pigsy chased after him. The monster reached a pile of rocks below the hillside, pulled out two red copper knives, and swung them around to meet the attack.


The tiger demon said, "I have captured your master to serve as a meal for my king. Recognize your situation and go back! Otherwise, I'll capture you too, and it'll be 'buy one, get one free.'" Hearing this, the Traveler became furious. His steel teeth clashed; his fiery eyes widened; he brandished his iron staff and shouted, "How dare you speak such big words! Don't move! Watch the staff!" The vanguard held his knives defensively. This battle was indeed fierce, as both displayed their powers. What a fight:

The monster was a real goose egg, Wukong a pebble.

The red copper knives blocked the Great Sage, as if piling eggs to strike a stone.

How could a magpie compete with a phoenix? How could a dove dare fight a hawk?

The monster blew wind that filled the mountains, Wukong spat mist that obscured the sun.

After three or four exchanges, the vanguard's waist went limp, completely powerless.

Turning to flee, he was pressed to death by Wukong.



In the trial version, Tiger Vanguard's opening lines:

"Damn it, why so late again?

Drop the stuff and hurry back to breed.

If you're late again next time, it'll delay the king's training progress.

I'll personally clean up your stupid son and send him in!

Didn't that old fool come?

You limping-faced little monk, where did you pop up from?


Screw it, I'll have a taste first!"

During battle:






"Playing with you!"

"Ha ha, just playing with you!"

"Here, you fool!"

"Bring out some unimpressive tricks, come on!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, you can't dodge, just die!"

Defeat lines:

"Keep the monkey head to accompany the drink, send the rest to the king!"

"If you can't beat me, kneel down."

From the accent in the lines, this demon king might be a Siberian tiger, also influenced by the Northwestern dialect.


What's this? Triple Slash? Remember, two fast, one slow.

What's this? Tiger Flash? Remember to roll only after seeing the sword drawn.

What's this? Flying Crossing Boat? Just roll the last one and you're done.

If there's something, roll to gather momentum; if not, charge up and stab once!

Fixed opening

Charge and Smash

Tiger Vanguard starts with a shoulder charge, jumps up after covering some distance, and smashes the ground. This move is relatively easy to dodge perfectly, and after the smash, there is a joint movement.

If you dodge this move perfectly, you can use a basic attack four-chain + immobilization spell + basic attack three-chain + heavy attack derivative (any stick technique) + heavy attack second-stage derivative to maximize damage (consuming one bean). If you cannot dodge perfectly, just use a basic attack five-chain to gather a bean, waiting for the next opportunity to attack.

Normal Standback

Two-step Back Jump

Creates distance from the player. This skill is usually followed by high-damage skills like Tiger Roar Punch or Draw Sword Slash, or long-range attacks like Blood Tornado. The two-step back jump has a certain delay.

Side Jump Smash

Side roll followed by a grab and ground stomp

Double Hook Punch

Petrified Arm followed by a Smash

Triple Hook Punch followed by a Smash

Tiger Vanguard poses, pulls his right arm back lightly, leans forward, and then launches a whirlwind kick to close the distance, followed by a right-left punch sequence, briefly charges, then leaps and smashes.

Tiger Vanguard's whirlwind kick has significant displacement ability, allowing him to quickly press close to the player. Be mindful of the dodge rhythm and direction, wait for the smash after the double punch, and then exploit Tiger Vanguard's vulnerability to output.

Tiger Roar followed by Hook Punch

Double Tiger Roar (not recorded)


Copper Head Iron Arm

Triple Sword Qi Slash

Forehand Triple Slash

Backhand Slash

Backhand Triple Slash

Draw Sword Slash

Tiger Vanguard's highest single-damage skill. The targeting judgment and charge-up are performed simultaneously before casting.

Blood Tornado

Lying Tiger Stone
