The Duskveil Wiki


The Duskveil

The Duskveil is the demon king in the Ziyun Mountain and is located at the top of the Cloud Nest.

In Ziyun Mountain, there's no purple cloud, and there's a strange situation in the Valley of Thousand Flowers. Snakes, scorpions, insects, and beasts are in a hurry, the day is dark and the moon is bright.

Name: Duskveil

Category: Demon King

Location: Ziyun Mountain, Cloud Nest Top

Attack: Unknown

Defense: Unknown


But in the current news, it implies the relationship between Duskveil and the Star Official of the Day.

For example, in the introduction of Duskveil released by Gcore, it quotes the novel "It's not like a bird crying in a thatched house, it's originally a star showing its holy name". This is used to describe the Star Official of the Day.

In the game screenshot of Duskveil, it quotes the novel "The crown is crowned with five mountains and golden light, the scepter holds the mountains and rivers, the jade color is exquisite. The robe hangs seven stars, the cloud is dark and bright, the waist is surrounded by eight poles, the treasure ring is bright". This is also used to describe the Star Official of the Day.

In addition, on the small road from the Ziyun Mountain Land Temple to Duskveil, there are many rooster statues. The statue of the Star Official of the Day also appeared in a courtyard of Luohua Manor (the prototype comes from the colored sculpture of the 28 stars in the Jade Emperor Temple in Jincheng, Shanxi).

The related introductions all use the poems in "Journey to the West" Chapter 55 "Color Evil and Lust Play Tang Sanzang, Sex Righteousness and Persistence Do Not Harm the Body":

The star official is still wearing his court clothes, golden threads all over his body, but seeing him: the crown is crowned with five mountains and golden light, the scepter holds the mountains and rivers, the jade color is exquisite. The robe hangs seven stars, the cloud is dark and bright, the waist is surrounded by eight poles, the treasure ring is bright. The ding-dong sound of the pendant is like a rhyme, and the swift wind sounds like a bell. The green feather fan opens to show the constellation, and the heavenly fragrance pervades the whole house.


I saw that star official standing on the hillside, showing his true form, it turned out to be a big rooster with a double crown, about six or seven feet tall, facing the monster and crowing, the monster immediately showed its true form, it was a scorpion spirit the size of a pipa. The star official crowed again, and the monster's body was numb and died in front of the slope. There is a poem as evidence, the poem says: the flower crown is embroidered on the neck like a group of tassels, the claws are hard and the eyes are angry. The vigorous and powerful posture is admired for its three calls. It's not like a bird crying in a thatched house, it's originally a star showing its holy name. The poisonous scorpion is in vain to cultivate the human path, and it returns to its original form to see its true form.

The "Hui" character in the Duskveil is mentioned in "Journey to the West" Chapter 36 "The Heart Monkey is Right in All Causes, Splitting the Side Door to See the Moon":

......When the moon reaches thirty days, the golden soul of the sun is exhausted, and the water of the yin soul is full, so it is purely black and has no light, so it is called "Hui". At this time, it intersects with the sun, between the two days of Hui and Shuo, feeling the sunlight and becoming pregnant. .....

According to the annotation, this passage is a summary of the saying in Song Dynasty Zhang Bodaun's "Qinghua Secret Text · Changuang Theory"; the gold of the yang soul and the water of the yin soul, that is, the sunlight on the moon's surface and the backlit part, after the fifteenth day, the sunlight gradually decreases, and the moon's surface gradually wanes, which is a metaphor for the gradual disappearance of the primordial spirit. Zhang Bodaun called it "to calm the nature". By going through such cycles regularly, life is secure, and the golden elixir gradually forms; using the changes of the moon to explain the principle of alchemy "refining qi and transforming the spirit"; maybe it is related to the plot.



First Stage

Continuous attacks

Vomiting blood

Back jump

Forward jump

Jumping attack



Double stomping

Stomp and double grab

Four consecutive charges

Aerial rotation

Second Stage

Double feather attack

Long howl feather attack

Poison spray hidden blade

Triple sword qi followed by slashing

Back jump poison spray

Triple sword qi

Double flying kick followed by sword dance

Sword blade sweep and ground stabbing
