List of All Miscellaneous Items

Miscellaneous items are items that you can randomly loot in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about each Miscellaneous item, as well as their rarities, and more!

List of All Miscellaneous Items

All Miscellaneous Items

Item Description Rarity
Balsam Bundle Since balsam thrives on high mountaintops, the petals of this spindly flower can be carried for miles on a strong wind. Common
Bone This bone - part of a leg, or perhaps an arm - is clean of blood and sinew. Common
Bottle A mysterious liquid has dried to the bottom of this bottle. Common
Candle A half-burnt beeswax candle. Common
Cup A fine pewter cup ornamented with polished brass. Common
Mysterious Artifact A many-sided box of blackened iron, engraved with pulsating runes. Something stirs within. Common
Plate This plate is rought with scratches left behind by forks and knives. Common
Polished Ring Each purple gemstone set in this thin silver band has been polished until it gleams. Common
Quill A long, sharpened feather plucked from the wing of a goose. Common
Silver Band Calishite emeralds are embedded in this heavy silver ring. Common
Silver Necklace Sapphire necklaces are popular among Baldur's Gate's patriars as mourning garb - the heavy teardrop-shaped stones represent the weight of their loss. Common
Skull The top of this skull is cracked with a lattice of shallow fractures. Common
Tongs These tongs are fire-scorched and pitted with rust. Common

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