Unlocked camera limits let you appreciate the game's graphics in a new way.
Unlocked camera pitch (optional), separate for exploration and combat
Override locked pitch settings
Override zoom limits
Zoom step size multipliers
Override camera FOV
Override camera horizontal/vertical offset
Controller support
Tweaked controller camera right stick deadzone
Controller right stick camera speed multiplier
Mouse camera rotation speed multiplier
Keyboard camera rotation speed multiplier
Local splitscreen support
No separate executable
Open source
Pitch adjustment works in a seamless way exactly as you'd expect it to work. Move the mouse while holding the middle mouse button, or move the controller stick up/down.
You can configure the values by editing the
BG3NativeCameraTweaks.toml file with a text editor. The provided defaults are what I believe are sane values, but feel free to change them as you see fit.
Tactical Camera mode, with its low FOV, gives out pretty cool classic vibes with adjusted pitch.
CONTROLLER SUPPORT: In vanilla, moving the controller right stick up and down controls the camera zoom. That's now replaced with camera pitch adjustment. The original functionality is available while the left stick is
pressed down.
I've also included a deadzone tweak for the right stick because the default one is extremely strong (0.65!). A smaller deadzone feels smoother and less rigid.
REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION:Have the game updated to the most recent version.
Native Mod Loader.
Place NativeCameraTweaks.dll and NativeCameraTweaks.toml inside
Baldurs Gate 3\bin\NativeMods\.
SUGGESTED MODS:WASD Character MovementThe two mods work very well together and transform the gameplay into something reminiscent of Dragon Age: Origins. I personally love this.
pavelk's various improved UI mods with autohide functionality, or
Aether's Immersive UI
For contextually hiding the HUD that tends to be blocking the view while walking around.
SOURCE:GitHubYou can use the source code in your mod
as long as it's open source as well.
Contributions are
very welcome.
CREDITS:My patrons for the support!❤️
dukethedropkicker for
kassent for
Native Mod Loader.
shalzuth for not keeping
BG3Cam closed source, which helped me start out reverse engineering the camera.