Blink Dog Wildshape for Druids

Mod Introduction

Assume the shape of a blink dog that can Menace enemies and Blink to ambush them. The blink dog has a starting health of 22 that increases every two druid levels.
Link to the mod

Installation Guide

This mod is pretty simple. This is an ability my DM so graciously gave my druid at 4th level and I wanted to recreate it in Baldurs Gate. Shoutout to Bitey Buddy, without him this mod wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry about all those times I killed you, but your clown friend is an evil shapeshifting monster.

Is this mod fair and balanced? No idea! But who cares? It's just a little teleporty guy!

Anyway, here is the basic rundown:

Wildshape: Blink Dog

When you reach your 4th level in druid you will gain the ability to wildshape into a blink dog. As a blink dog you can bite enemies, you can use an action to do a Menacing Howl to make the next hit on an enemy an auto crit, and of course, you can blink up to 40ft as a bonus action.

Your Blink Dog shape starts at 22hp at 4th level and increases every two levels. The hp amounts are as follows:

  4th Level:  22hp (This is the same hp as on the actual 5e blink dog stat block. It shares the same stats as well.)
  6th Level: 32hp
  8th Level: 46hp
10th Level: 66hp
12th Level: 94hp

Known Issues:
While sneaking you will appear to be walking normally. This will almost certainly never change. I cannot make animations and Bitey Buddy didn't come with a sneak animation.
The Icon is just a pink recolour of the wolf wildshape icon. I might make a different one eventually, but probably not, its more than good enough.

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