This mod is pretty simple. This is an ability my DM so graciously gave my druid at 4th level and I wanted to recreate it in Baldurs Gate. Shoutout to Bitey Buddy, without him this mod wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry about all those times I killed you, but your clown friend is an evil shapeshifting monster.
Is this mod fair and balanced? No idea! But who cares? It's just a little teleporty guy!
Anyway, here is the basic rundown:
Wildshape: Blink Dog
When you reach your 4th level in druid you will gain the ability to wildshape into a blink dog. As a blink dog you can bite enemies, you can use an action to do a Menacing Howl to make the next hit on an enemy an auto crit, and of course, you can blink up to 40ft as a bonus action.
Your Blink Dog shape starts at 22hp at 4th level and increases every two levels. The hp amounts are as follows:
4th Level: 22hp (This is the same hp as on the actual
5e blink dog stat block. It shares the same stats as well.)
6th Level: 32hp
8th Level: 46hp
10th Level: 66hp
12th Level: 94hp
Known Issues: While sneaking you will appear to be walking normally. This will almost certainly never change. I cannot make animations and Bitey Buddy didn't come with a sneak animation.
The Icon is just a pink recolour of the wolf wildshape icon. I might make a different one eventually, but probably not, its more than good enough.