Graviturgy Magic Wizard Subclass

Mod Introduction

Brings the Graviturgy Magic subclass for Wizards to Baldur's Gate 3.
Link to the mod

Installation Guide


The Graviturgy Magic wizard: a master of a spellcasting tradition shrouded in mystery and immense power.

For this mod I've worked together with Celes to make a number of spells unique spells only available for this class, based on the Xhorhasian school of Dunamancy from 5e. Thus far, the spells Sapping Sting, Gift of AlacrityMagnify GravityFortune's Favor, Pulse Wave, Gravity Sinkhole and Temporal Shunt are included. These were previously included in 5e Spells, but are now part of this mod instead.








[quote]At 2nd level, as an action, you can magically alter the weight of one object or creature you can see within 9m of you. The object or creature must be Large or smaller. The target's weight is increased or decreased for up to 1 minute or until your concentration ends.

While the weight of a creature is reduced by this effect, the creature's speed increases by 3m, it can jump twice as far as normal, and it has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.

While the weight of a creature is increased by this effect, the creature's speed is reduced by 3m, and it has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.

Upon reaching 10th level in this class, you can target an object or a creature that is Huge or smaller.[/quote]NOTES
Works like in 5e. Note that it works on objects as well as creatures, so you can reduce the weight of heavy objects to make them easier to pick up (or reduce the weight of enemies to easily throw them away).


[quote]When you reach 6th level, whenever you cast a spell on a creature, you can move the target 2m to an unoccupied space of your choice if the target is willing to move, the spell hits it with an attack, or it fails a saving throw against the spell.[/quote]NOTES
The 5e version basically allows you to teleport a creature within 2m of its original location. Apparently it's extremely difficult/impossible to allow this in the game right now, so for now this activates when you hit or affect a target with a spell and allows you to either push or pull the target 2m away from or towards you respectively. An interrupt will pop up allowing you to select which one you want to use.


[quote]At 10th level, when another creature that you can see within 18m of you hits with a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to increase the attack's velocity, causing the attack's target to take an extra 1d10 damage of the weapon's type.

Alternatively, you can use a reaction point to greatly increase the amount of fall damage a target takes for one round.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.[/quote]NOTES
The Attack version of this spell pretty much works like in 5e. However, there doesn't seem to be anything in-game that checks whether a creature is or has taken fall damage, so I implemented a spell that costs a reaction point that you can use to increase the fall damage of a creature for a round. You can use this in conjuction with a knockback to make a falling creature take increased (specifically 80% more) fall damage. I found that based on the average falling heights in BG3 and the amount of extra fall damage the 5e version grants, 80% more should be more than fair. Note that the special resource for Violent Attraction is shared between both the Attack and the Fall Damage versions.


[quote]Starting at 14th level, as an action, you can magically emit a powerful field of gravitational energy that tugs at other creatures for up to 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell). For the duration, whenever a creature hostile to you starts its turn within 9m of you, it must make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, it takes 2d10 force damage, and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage, and moving costs twice as much movement.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher on it.[/quote]NOTES
*Requires a mod that allows levelling past level 12.*
Works like in 5e. Due to annoying restrictions in the game files, I had to add a special resource for the Once Per Long Rest version so that it only is available once per long rest. You will also unlock a new version for each spell slot above level 3 on each corresponding level (spells level 4, 5, 6 and 7 are unlocked immediately since you get this spell at level 14), but keep in mind that casting it using a higher level spell slot won't increase its damage.




[quote]From left to right:

: Sapping Sting
1st level spells: Gift of Alacrity, Magnify Gravity
2nd level spells: Fortune's Favor
3rd level spells: Pulse Wave
4th level spells: Gravity Sinkhole
5th level spells: Temporal Shunt[/quote]
Thus far, the spells above are included. I created the icons but the spells themselves were created entirely by Celes. They will become available when you reach the level which unlocks the corresponding spell's spell slot. There are currently no scrolls available for these spells, and only Dunamancy Wizards (i.e., Chronurgy and Graviturgy Wizards) are able to cast them.



Increasing a target's weight with Adjust Density: Increase will sometimes not change the weight if it's already very light. This is because the spell technically lowers the object's or character's weight category by 1. I assume that if it's already 1, it can't get any lower and will simply stay the same. 

Sapping Sting will not be available until level 4 when you get to choose another cantrip. This means you can't choose it when you pick cantrips at level 1.

The Dunamancy spells will only be available for Graviturgy and Chronurgy Wizards, and not for the standard Wizard subclasses. Since this is the way it's intended to be, I won't be adding them to other subclasses.



Start BG3 Mod Manager and press the "Open Mods Folder" button on the top bar, or press Windows + R and type %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods\.
Open "" and place "GraviturgyMagic.pak" in the Mods folder. 
Refresh the mod list in BG3 Mod Manager by pressing F5, and move the mod from inactive mods to active mods in the mod manager window. If you encounter any issues, try placing it further down in the load order. Make sure you use the "Public" profile.
Click "Save Load Order to File" in the top bar and launch the game.


Oath of Conquest FOR PALADINS
Swarmkeeper FOR RANGERS
Circle of Stars FOR DRUIDS
Circle of Wildfire FOR DRUIDS
Chronurgy Magic FOR WIZARDS
Circle of Stormchasers FOR DRUIDS
College of Spirits FOR BARDS
Oath of the Bleak Walkers FOR PALADINS
Oath of Redemption FOR PALADINS
Circle of the Shepherd FOR DRUIDS
Circle of the Blighted FOR DRUIDS
Inquisition Domain FOR CLERICS
The First Vampire FOR WARLOCKS
Clockwork Soul FOR SORCERERS
Wretched Bloodline FOR SORCERERS
Circle of Spores Enhanced
Resurrect NPCs
Non-Lethal Ranged Attacks and Spells
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